$25 to give chickens to 1 family
$100 to give chickens to 4 families
$200 to give chickens to 8 families
Chickens & their eggs provide nutritious protein. They're easy to breed, so your gift will continue to grow.
May I place my order after Christmas?
Yes! All gifts in our catalog are great for year-round giving as well as for Christmas. Consider donating a gift in honor of a friend or family member for a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or for holidays like Mother's Day, Father's Day and Grandparent's Day.
Will you send an e-card for me?
Yes! We'll happily send an e-card to your loved one to notify them that you gave a gift in their honor. If you wish for us to send an e-card: After donating, email us at with the name & email address of your loved one. Then we'll send them an e-card asap.
More ways to help children in need

Give monthly to a cause you care about
Lasting change begins with you. Monthly giving provides consistent support to children in need. It means your donations will be delivering the right solution at just the right time.
And while your gifts are changing lives, you'll love seeing the impact of your generosity through our updates and stories in our Email Newsletters, iServants App, Facebook page, Videos, and in-person on one of our Belize Mission Trips.